8 réflexions sur « Et il me faut un titre pour ça aussi. »

  1. I’m using the service for quite a while, and there have been quite an impovrement with the time: new widget, new skin. But it’s look like one time devellopement, and then dead.Example: webwag toolbar, came out one month before the release of Firefox 2.0 and IE7. And still not compatible with these browser (an update for FF will be enough for me, I don’t care about IE :-p ).The new skin is, well, it’s new. But I don’t know why, my computer (old, pentium II) do not like it and take a long time to charge webwag now (mean longer than the 20s that was previously). And with that new skin, I saw that i was possible to get 4 colums (tried the mobile widget, but don’t have any). But no way to have it in a normal way. Sad.To come back to toolbar: the aim of it is to get bookmark. But the bookmark manager is still not updatable. I mean, if you want to change something, you can just delete it and create a new one. Boring, no?That’s some reasons why I’m looking around, and would be please to export my feeds with opml and not one by one.

  2. FreZ > Mais non, c’est une gazelle, pour autant que je me souvienne !

    Krysalias >Excellent ! Je vote pour : "souris et éléphants : on se trompe énormément" :-DDD

    Trollette > Maya l’abeille connection ?

    Cali > exactly…. Je suis fascinée par le nez préhensile. Si on devait attraper des trucs avec le nez, nous…

    Styephvroum > Mais de rien ! 🙂

  3. ah mais ton altesse, les jeunes d’aujourd’hui utilisent beaucoup leur nez ! c’est avec le nez qu’ils tapent leurs sms, lettre par lettre.

    tu comprends leur écriture texto maintenant :/…

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